Thursday, October 12, 2006

到底... 究竟... Just wad is it?

Everytime when things are starting to settle down, it will come all over again. However, the funny thing is, i no longer feel sad. I realised all that had been said were as sentimental as before but none has a great impact on me anymore. I was wondering whether he is just trying to try me out or that is wad he really feels. I'm puzzled.

When it is impossible, i can see it. When it is possible, i dun seem to admit that i can see it. So, wad is exactly between us? Impossible or possible? Wad can be done to completely wash away those lingering feelings within each of us and allow us to become who we were at the very very beginning. A person who i happen to know coz he provided that service that i need and released myself from all the details of him.

HAHA! Laughable. Mockable. Provokable.

So, wad should i say? Wad can I do? Ermmm... To walk away and forget about this person, erasing everything including the part when we were friends? Or to remain where I am, talk as and when and play like nobody's business just like how i would treat every friend but knowing in mind that he was the one?


伤了心, 说了再见。倒回头,看一看失去的,知道不会有结果了。站了起来,回头笑了笑,庆幸我不再伤心了。 不过,你的存在,又或者,我们比此的存在,使得比此患得患失。 这种感觉不只一直充斥着你的思绪,它也不断地拨动着我的思绪......

SO? Wad is true and wad is not? Wad is bright and wad is dark? Wad is right and wad is wrong? Wad can i see and wad can i not? Wad will i do and wad will i not do? Wad to expect and wad not to? Wad should i say and wad should i not? Wad to do to make things right? Wad to do to stop everything at the moment? Wad can i do to make him stop thinking? Wad i can do to leave this 3-sided polygon? Wad can i think anymore?

I dun think i'm wrong. But am i wrong to keep a relationship so pure, friendship? Am I wrong to slowly make him feel but that was not my intention at all...

Did he fell for me unintentionally, which kind of sounds wrong?

So wad exactly is wrong? Wad did i do wrong? Or wad did i not do wrong?

Well, no point thinking so much right? Time will tell... I just gotta live as happy as before! Being the best i can be! Be HAPPY! BE ME!!!

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