Monday, July 25, 2011

Days like these

I'm the proud co-owner of this pretty blue Honda Fit! :) Darling has sold his Altis last month and this is now officially OUR car! :) I feel comfortable driving the fit, the parking doesn't scare me so much like Altis, although I still need to brush up my skills a lot. Well, after July, Lil blue will go into JB. I'll probably ask darling to drive in for me, so i can use it when i want to. 
15 July was darling's birthday. Hmmm... I think this is the 5th time i spent darling's bd with him. I didn't prepare any gifts this year because I wanted to save money and darling dun want me to spend also. But i still did put in some effort to get him something. He don't like cakes, don't like sweet stuff, so I bought cupcakes, so he could eat 1 at least and let his family have the rest. :)

We spent his BD at his house, doing the car, shopping and feasting. Simple and nice... Although I complained it was boring.

The past week was really tiring. I don't know why but work was kind of tearing me apart, with all the little little things that was picked on. I felt so dumb in every single way. There were meetings after meetings which were so not constructive and were not comprehensive for me. :(

I cancelled a few meet ups and left the one on Friday coz i can sleep in on Sat. We went to Brewerkz, it was so nice. :) The beer i meant. Maybe its coz its the end of the work week and i was really happy the dratful week was finally over.

It is always nice to chill with the 2 of them :)

Preps for Phuket once my colleague returns from his leave. I'm excited.