Thursday, April 05, 2007


Before I knew it, time had passed by just too fast. I realised we've all grown up. Its like it just begun when suddenly, everything has gone so fast.

Think about it, those are at least 7 years of friendship anniversary. For some, those were more than a decade of friendship. We all grew up together, went through lots of thick and thin, been through awkward moments and our graduation, we went our separate ways. We came back together and still had the fun we used to have and recall what were done before. Our mischief, our failures, our passing, our rumours, our rebellious, most importantly, our friendships.

Have you ever wonder?

How long will it be, before you forget those moments?

When we were wearing our uniforms, singing the national anthem and saying the pledge.

When we ran around the school compound for 2.4km NAPFA test.

When we cheer for each other during Sports' Day.

When we got punished for talking too loud.

When we beared the heat together in the squeezy hall.

When we cried for things like failing a subject.

When we sat in the same exam hall, taking the same O level papers.

When we got our results and then said goodbye.

5years of friendship... Now, its gone... Only left for reminising and then sealed in our hearts.

.1A1.2A1.3A1.4A1.5A1.............................................. Now we are on different paths

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