Its 11.11pm, 27th July 08. A wonderful weekend is ending soon.
Recap on wad had happened last few days. I guess the happiest thing that occured was the video George took of Edwin, that kind of make me laugh a lot. HAHA! I'm in a crappy class. :D
Thursday was WISP presentation, and well, it ended like that but we still have class. Hai.. He is really long-winded although the stories can be really captivating but 2hours straight, listening to stories, i cannot take it.
Then, i went to fix my lappy coz it kept hanging on me. Well, the guy from lvl6 said it was a good thing i brought my lappy there early, coz the problem was still pretty minor. Hee~ I really won't know wad to do after i graduate, all these virus and problems. GoSh...
Went to buy onigiri and pasta salad and head back to batok. Went to find Darling and gave him an onigiri, met the nice nice aunty again, she is so funny. Anyway, i left after a while.
I dun quite rmb wad happened again. Mama went to cut her hair, dun remember le... Ting saw me while she was on the bus.
Friday was a pretty long day in school. Went to school early for SQTR roleplay, i think i did badly, hope Chiam will be generous. Ha! Then, Val drove us to KAP for Mac breakfast. We had fun eating, chatting and all. Then sad thing was, Val got offence tix on her CAR!!!! And Darling told me, a white tix without price is really BAD! A white tix without price for bike is $70!!!! Heh hEh! Terrible, we shall all share the cost. Sorry VAL!!!
Went back to school, while waiting for Jialing to photocopy notes for us, we were sitting and waiting. I was writing card for wee Ting, its her BIRTHDAY! Hee~
Phone rang from an unfamiliar number, and i thought it was those prank call again but its not. Student from HMS i think. Remember a couple of weeks ago, in the midst of stressing for PT and all other projects, i couldn't take it and went to browse other thing online. In NP mail, there's this Hancock contest and coincidentally, i just watched it like a couple of days ago, so i took part in it. It just asked who is the actor. So i sent. So a couple of weeks later, i got the prize!!! HAHA!!!
Went for STMO, with Jiawen sitting beside me, she haven't been sitting beside me for very very long coz of grouping and project time difference. And we chat every once in a while during the lecture. HAHA! So funny lor...
After lesson, i went to Block 52 to collect prize. Kind of disappointed with the prize but haha, can't expect much. Got a bag, tshirt and a cap. I have no use for it, so i gave it to Darling. Hee~
Ting walked pass Vk and she went to WM with me to buy the things i need. then i walked to her house with her. So nice catching up. HoHo! I ate some stuff while she's having her dinner. Hee~ And i stayed and watch the 7pm show before i went home.
Tired.... Ermmm... I dun rmb wad happened after that.
I did some PT individual project research and really, there's like a bug chunk of information to digest, i really hope i can do well for this 20% report. hO! But not even half way there.
Bought a book at Popular about Marley the laborador, read a few pages already, think its really nice.
Darling has been really sweet, i think he know we shouldn't get mad at each other and he shouldn't have said wad he said, and coz of that, we've been treating each other as loving as ever.
O, i bumped into Terry, ting and liang cai, nice seeing them. Terry looks better with short hair. Hee~
Darling and I met his Shi fu while we were shopping, imagine 10plus years ago, he was learning how to cut hair. Heh HEh!
We had a really cheap and nice dinner... So totally in love with FOOD!!!!
O Ho! We took train to Lot 1 coz he said he was really tired and didn't feel like driving, so i say OK! And we romantic-ly took train to Lot1, hee~ So nice...
I bought 3 pieces of tops from Cotton-on at below $20. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I wanted to get the cardigan but sadly, 2 for $30... Shall wait till there's somebody to share.. So happy, got cheap and nice stuff. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Walked a little bit more, Darling went to try on Levis but he didn't like the shirt.
City Chain, our last stop then we took train back, then darling drove me home. It was about 10pm when i got home. We chatted till he reached JB which was about 10.45pm. We chatted about things like when i come out to work and all... Future... Dunno wad it holds, but i do hope it holds something really good for Darling and I. :D
I've been hovering online since and tmr, meeting for PT presentation prep.
This week is not as pack but its definitely not gonna be easy. JiA yOu!
还是很喜欢,你不自觉地牵起我的手... 喜欢你开车时,握着我的手... 我不会放弃这段感情,因为我知道,你为了我,付出了很多,舍弃了很多... 不会让你白等的... 我爱你,是不变的承诺...Its 11:46pm.