Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I got to know a new song, i forgot wad exactly the words are, but its the Maggie song... HAHA!!! Man, my class is a group of funny people... Happily hitting chopsticks and singing the song, i was really stunned but laughing all the way...
Thanks to Edwin and Vincent (the couple, although Edwin's gf is Hebe but she's kind of far away and the 2 of them are guys and they don't usually hold hands but.... AIYA!) coz they bought my noodles for me, although i wasn't exactly fainting but it was nice and thoughtful of them. :D
George is living on a $3 budget lunch. For a big guy, it sounds rather funny.
Anyway, classes went by pretty easily today and it really feels damn GOOD to have no head PAIN!!!
Went to submit the MC which i forgot to submit yesterday, then went to find Darling to get my 4gd memory stick and pass him 6500s PC suite.
Right, and then its back home!!! HoHo!!!
Poor Darling still jamming at custom... Hope he is on his way back home le... :(
Monday, April 28, 2008
Went to school with a much better condition, with only sore throat and blocked nose bothering me.
IBS was heh heh, interesting i guess but it didn't really give me the WOAH feeling. Next week is the proposal due.
Went on to RMTR tut, but the tutor weird weird and she has really sharp ears. HAHA!!!
Then, i came home to do up some more stuff for PT, before i concussed on my bed.
Many notes to copy in the evening and i didn't do any tutorials for tmr. O well, need to bring laptop. Hai...
Chatting with Darling now...
O, i finish my medicines le, good thing i feel better liao...
Went to find darling after that and was chatting a little bit with everyone. :D
We went to IMM for pepper lunch, haven't been there for so long. Brings back lots of memories...
Then we walked around. Suddenly realised need to get something for mama coz mother's day is around the corner...
Darling very weird, suddenly wanna drink coffee, so we went to S-11 to drink. Then went to see Apple-green PSP, its so nice... Japanese set, specially imported but too bad, its not for me.
Darling drove me back after that.
Did up some tut for tmr while chatting with Darling. Then, chatted online with Nicole and Dear. Missed out a little too much on both the girls.
I think i'm going to bath, i feel really hot then i'm off to bed. :D
Its 30% happiness, 70% love... That's the difference between friends and lovers.
And this is a good picture of the aftermath of my sickness. I woke up and couldn't get up, so i laid there and took a picture.
Took comic for Darling then went to find him and he scared me ok, he said i look very pale, i was like, no lah, only nose and throat very pain, he say i look terrible, no colour on my face. HAHA!
We make a lot of rounds around the area coz there's no place to go, then finally settled at JP. So nice to have Darling with me. He is so warm... And we had MOS burger, didn't have much appetite so, i only ate a little and drink a lot. We walked a little bit and we finally found "Tears of the Sun" ( a movie) but the idiotic thing cost $50 and the code 1 cost $40... Freaking not fated to have that DVD.
While typing resume and watching TV last night, i was starting to get frustrated with the piles of work that are to be done. Hai....
Woke up with blocked nose as usual. Hai... Ate a little, took med, then did up some stuff for IBS.
PS: I can't taste anything at all.
I still like the feeling of you, holding my hand... Unspeakable happiness...
My HOT hairstylist!
Friday, April 25, 2008
No choice, i woke papa up, ask him to drive me to school. Thanks Pa...
Then, when i reached school, i was feeling really tired, well i thought its any normal morning grunchiness.
After presenting for CSC, i sat down and look at laptop, browse nothing, while kingston was busy doing his draft which is due tmr. Poor them, so last minute.
When WISP started, my head was starting to hurt again, and i felt kind of feverish and really cold. And that damn cute tutor of ours, made the air con colder. I was shivering already.
Class ended, i rushed out of class, went to toilet, then headed to bus stop.
Bus was damn cold, or maybe its myself, i was really shivering.
I went to find Darling, and i kept hugging his leg coz it felt so warm. And he said my lips were turning purple, looks as if i was poisoned. Herbal shop de boss lady was very nice, she brewed bitter tea for me and didn't accept any payment. So nice of her... But the tea was really bad, so bitter... I felt warmer after that.
Darling bought fish soup for me again and while walking to kopitiam, we saw the big BITCH! HAHA!
I went back after that, i had no appetite, didn't finish the soup, i went to sleep after that.
Woke up and i felt really cold, body very warm. At that point, i know i am sick, real bad.
Went to pee then covered myself with blanket and wore jacket, trying to sweat myself. Did felt a little better. But after a while, head pain and fever came back. OMG!
My head was so heavy and i didn't have any appetite, mama took a bit of things for me to eat. I felt so weak, i dun even feel like walking to a clinic.
I even went to bath just to keep my body temp down but to no avail.
Darling called and asked how i was doing, and i told him bad.
Finally decided to go see doc, damn weak. Told doc my problems, and he prescribed a lot of pills for me. For my fever, head pain, protect stomach coz of head pain pills, cough, blocked nose, anti-biotic. My gosh.... And a day's MC.
Met Wei Yi and Kok Hong at Alif after seeing doc.
Went home, eat pills, now i dun feel good. Hai...
I'm sick... So sick... Just when there are so many things to do.... Hai...
Doc asked me to drink plenty of water and have enough sleep. So ya.. I'm turning in now. I dun even feel like brushing teeth.
PS: After 3 days of struggling, i thought i could get better by self-medicating, but the saddest thing is, it didn't happen. My body is on red alert and white flag is hung up high. It finally gave up and now, i need to rest.
Darling, thanks for calling me when I feel so vulnerable.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A huge gust of wind just blew my world apart.... I am now in a state of uncertainty yet there are so many things for me to handle. HA! Wad a way to describe this new semester.
I know i haven't been having enough sleep, but i didn't know it can get so bad. I couldn't sleep last couple of nights coz of my nose blocked. But last night, despite the blocked nose, i manage to sleep pretty well, and coz class started slightly later, i got to sleep more. I even hear myself snoring (that shows how tired i am, and how serious the blocked nose is). I dunno why my blocked nose only comes at night.
Then, when i woke up this morning, i realised my period came. Doesn't matter, coz its the usual thing. Pa drove me to school and while on the car, my head was hurting badly. Really badly...
I thought it may be coz i haven't eat anything, so i grabbed a takoyaki, and drink a lot of plain water. Then, my head was kind of spinning when class started, i was not in any mood to think of anything but its group work, so i tried to get involved.
Smses came and all, need to listen to April Ng, need to listen to group mates, need to say something but head was dropping. Even when i rolled my eyes sideways, my head hurts. Damn it. It feels so tight around my eyes and forehead.
I decided to skip lecture today, i really cannot stand the pain.
Darling was so so good lor... He helped me buy Fish soup and panadol from the chinese herbal shop. I love darling...
I reached home, and mama haven't eat, so i gave her half of the soup. When mama was talking, my heading was vibrating so badly, i ask her dun talk, really cannot tahan. After drinking the soup, popped in 2 painkillers, and i dropped dead on my bed.
I was so worried bout the lecture, i rmbed myself waking up and sms-ing wen about it. Wah Lao... Cannot make it...
1 and 1/2 hour later, i got up. Pain subsided, but the heaviness is still there.
Sat down and rested, drank plenty of water, and mama cooked dinner. Took my bath coz my whole body felt so warm, and had dinner.
Drink lots and lots of water just to relieve the heat in my body.
Around 8pm, started with some project stuff and then, headache came back. Wahhhhhhh....... But it wasn't as bad as the afternoon one, and i thought there is panadol at home but dun HAVE!!!!!!
I smsed Darling, asked him to help me buy 2 tablets again. In the midst, was still asking things about project from Wai wah and juchi. Hai..
Darling came, just when i reached ground level, and i hug hug darling... He bought 4 tablets just in case morning also pain... Then, say Bye bYe to him...
Came back, i da bian-ed, continue with the project thingy then print IS stuff.
A while more, i'm gonna take 2 panadols then go sleep le... Feel heaty heaty de... Er Xin de lor...
And Thanks so much for ting's concern, and some gossips with me. Hee~
PS: The entire village is in a mess, lost all my property and my belongings, i'm stranded on the shore. Trying to restart myself to deal with all these chaos.
Thank you darling, I love you.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I woke up at 7.45am, and rushed out of my house by 8am only to find the bus 61 going off with lots of people onboard. Waited for another bus while reading newpaper. Got on the bus and then went to school.
Decided to get a chicken pau and a vege juice. After that, went to class on Level 5.
Ms Vanda is our IBS tutor's name, she is quite a pretty lady who i feel, looks very gentle. Some say she looks like Juchi, i only see a bit of resemblance. :D The tutorial was ehhhhhh.... Alright, not really very boring and neither was it very fun. It ended with me role-playing Tang Wei and being a reporter for Zoe Tay. HAHA!!!
Anyway, went for the next tutorial for retail management. Wah lao.. The way the tutor talks, make me so kan chiong. Can you believe how fast she is talking, i mean, not fast but her tone is so rushing... I kept wondering why is she in such a hurry when there was nothing to rush during the lecture. And this is anothe module with many things to complete, yes, another project. Hai...
Went on for IBS lecture and i was like so tired by then. Darling came in to get his green card but was caught in the rain, so he had to go Vk and changed up then took a cab back and forth from tanjong pagar. Poor darling... We chatted a little then i checked for him whether custom got jam then he went back to Msia at around 5pm, i guess.
I was still in school. Waiting for representatives' to give us some precious info bout their company so we can do a good concept for their upcoming outlet. This constitute another project, Practicum Project. And ya, that's all we must do to pass this module, its so hard.
Went back after that. Meet Aiai on Bus 61 then we went for dinner. Wanted to eat at Mac but it was renovating so it was damn stuffy, so we headed to pastamania, where we ate and chatted about myself, herself, my darling, her wai wai, and all other things we can think of. HAHA!!! She is my Aiai... So cute k.
I went to deposit cash then we waited for Chung ee to come fetch us, and a big thank you, coz he drove me back home too. And another big thank you for the meal aiai treated me coz she wants to apologize but there wasn't a need to. Nvm, i'll treat her another time, no worries, i got a lifetime to spend with her. HAHA!!!
Then, everything turned bad. I reached home and my nose is blocked, i took my bath, worse, my eyes swell and my nose blocked. While typing out the project for PT, my mucus was falling at the same time. k, it's disgusting, managed to finish typing and send it out to the rest.
Chatted with Darling a little bit and i know he is tired from being drenched in the rain and the back and forth to TP and back then to Kulai. Poor Darling... So he went to bed.
Chatted with Ting a little and she told me she is going for Prata at Alif. HAHA!!!
And now, i am tired... I wanna go to bed, i hope i dun get sick tmr...
I ask for nothing more... You are my best gift from up above... I love you...
Monday, April 21, 2008
To those big bitches out there:
Stop being like a big bitch whining and whining about the bad relationship you once had and still want to have but can never ever get it, because you failed so badly as a girlfriend, o no, EX girlfriend i mean. Wake up your idea and know your race, you are in the wrong league and you know that very well.
I find it so funny sometimes, because of my Darling, i got stared at by other girls, and i have no freaking idea why... HAHA!!! But well, now i know, almost all of those.
I dun understand why Darling dun wanna share his past with me, well, i know his worries, that i might dig it out and talk about it when we quarrel but haha, we hardly quarrel and i know myself, i took comments as comments and seriously relies on evidence and facts and wad i see with my rationale mind. Now that i know, its like so much better... Seriously...
Yes, Darling was a huge flirt, mind the tenses, WAS a huge flirt but people do grow up.
This relationship has a really long way to go for a very simple reason, that we love each other very much and cherish each other as well.
Still, we act like big kids fighting for candies.
我知道,有些人,从没看好这恋情,他们觉得这只不过是个游戏,不会有任何好结局,但,我恳请大家,好好看,切切听,不要眨眼,因为我不会放弃这爱情,不会因为,从前的过错,而破坏了现在与未来的美好... 就算没有一辈子的故事,至少,这一切,是轰轰烈烈的一场...
谢谢你一直爱我... 谢谢你让我爱着你,光明正大的...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Woke up on Friday morning and i was kind of late, so i waited for Pa to drive me to Dover but he was like, preparing and took a lot of time. When we reached dover, it was like 9.35am already and work starts at 10am. Hai...
Was kind of scary, papa drove at Gear 5 and i wasn't late when i reached, it was 9:57am. HAHA!!!
Had a quick hot chocolate then went to Concierge to work with Grace and Khai then Fish came to join. It wasn't really that busy but the few important people made the whole thing a bit uptight.
Finally got to see Shu Ying at UBS le, it was creative eateries which cater the food yesterday. :D HAHA!!!
Work ended at around 2.17pm, then went to eat at Sierra. hoHo!
Went back after that.
Darling wanted songs, so i went to send him the songs and he returned my earring.
Had a tiff with Darling last night coz of some reason but it was kind of retard... Didn't really thought it was a big thing but Darling got mad at me for that, i tried to explain but he was still mad, so i turned off webcam and typed him my explaination. Hopefully, he really understands bah... If that is so hard for him to comprehend, i think it'll be harder for me to comprehend his life.
Hun and Terry came by after that and we went to pump petrol and supper at the Fish soup restaurant. :D Reached home at around 3am plus. Slept through.
因为一时之气,使他人得逞,值得吗?只不过想分享这一切而不是搞任何小动作,你却不高兴... 你说你了解,你有多了解?爱你的时候,已经知道了你的过去,我又曾几何时嫌弃或大发雷霆?一段感情的延续只有彼此的信任才能有结果,你不是都知道了...
Friday, April 18, 2008


K, IS classes this morning was kind of weird lah but haha, that's IS i guess. Lucky am in the same class as Kingston for both the modules and with the 02 bunch. :D
Anyway, after that, went to work and i was really hungry lor... HAHA!! But Julyn da bao for me. :D
Wasn't really busy, but i felt my legs feeling tired. HAhA! It was nice working today, last part a bit tiring only. Hee~ Afterall i woke up early 6.30am today.
Went to find darling a bit just now, miss HIM... MUACKS!
Will sleep early today. :D Nights.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Woke up early in the morning, went out to school, only to see the spectacle of a long queue at Bus 61. HAHA! Well, that happens every morning i guess, when school starts. Manage to get up the bus.
Reached school, just like b4, bought Vitasoy and an onigiri and guess wad, price of onigiri went up 20cents! Its $1.70 and i dunno is it coz i haven't been eating that for a while but it doesn't taste right. HeH hEh...
Went to the class and the lecturer was there with an unknown student. And as usual, everybody were late. HaHA!!! It was kind of a boring lecture and the lecturer really isn't that good. For a marketing module, i think we need a more enthu, full of charisma type of lecturer... Sadly, we dun have that.
Wen told me that, she thinks it was supposed to be Mr Tham who is supposed to teach us but the very sad thing is, he passed away last year due to heart attack. Hai... Dunno him too well, but well, he did up the notes we are holding now so, its still a Thank you to him. :)
After school i met up with Xueting for lunch at WM. Kway CHap... And she told me everything she wanted to tell me and it was an enjoyable lunch.
Went to get some fruits coz my digestive system hasn't been good, and ting told me something i didn't even notice. O well, who'd care about somebody trying to act nice. Heh!
Xueting know the person who Darling was talking to in the afternoon and probably trying on his bike, and ting made a real funny joke bout it. Ho!
Da bian when i reached home, bathed and did my eye mask, and i nearly fell asleep. Got up and watch DVD but it kind of bores me out, rested on bed and did nothing.
O, i booked my TP again... I actually got an early date, i mean, i tot its gonna be like in July but its mid June! And its our term break. Hee~
Sms darling a little bit but he seems kind of distracted so didn't talk to him further. Then, watched TV.
Came online, print notes for tmr and ya... 10am class tmr till 4pm... Great...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008
And just a blink of an eye, 2 months has past by and the new semester is beginning. WHICH MEANS, this is my LAST year of POLY! Isn't it fast? It still feels like i was a freshman, not knowing where is where and looking real damn trying to find ways around campus. And now, i'm left with the last third of the course. Whew... and i am getting old...
Well, its not the last of it, so i still need to buck up for this entire academic year. First off for Level 3.1, same, schooling... Heh HEh! Kind of envy my other friends from other courses, coz they dun have as many modules as i have this semester but me, just like any other sem i had before, 8 modules, including 2 IS modules. Heh Heh! Time table doesn't look good, coz almost everyday is long... To add on, there's bound to be project work to worry about so i'm pretty much immobilised (i hope there is this word) for my weekdays and most prob, even my weekends.
O well, can only welcome it with a good smile on my face. :)
Ok, past couple of months has been alright. I dun rmb myself working too much, but i did go back to OHS which scrutinised any future work. Also, went to UBS to help out at both Client Services and Catering. :D Didn't earn a lot of money but well, i got through the 2 months without starving.
Took my TP and well, as everyone should've known by now, I failed it. Well, it doesn't matter, i'm just taking a short break from it right now and after a while, i shall go back to it, full-forced, ready to kick some ass. HA! No, to pass TPs. Hee~
Also, i spent quite some times with all my friends. Had the chance to, every now and then, meet up with the terry, hun and ph. Went for supper and all, just as usual.
Not to forget, with my sister as well, who, during the 2 weeks when she was gone, i was so bored. HAHA!
And, met up with Aiai as well, a pretty brief one but for the very least, we met up. :D
O... This is rare, met up with Ling Hui too... We're always busy with our own things and didn't have time to catch up, finally, with ting's BD, we met up. :D
The most marvellous thing, been spending the past couple of months with my lovely Darling. Its not always happy though, we did have our times but i guess giving in to each other is part of wad we do now. :D I'm just happy that, you know, after a long day out there, i get to meet up with someone i love who'd joke around with me and all. Ah... I love my Darling. HoHo!
Its been a great 2 months off from school, and well, its time to get my ass working.
PS: You know, even though i didn't get to meet up with all, at least i know you guys are safe somewhere out there. :D
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Realised i've got thousand of pictures in my lappy which i won't know what to do if it dies on me. HAhA! Arranging them properly and hopefully can developed them soon enough.
School starting soon already, i looked at my Timetable closely and i am beginning to complain about it. Hai... Long semester ahead. Need to pull up my socks again... O! And there's NAPFA this year... HahA! Need to brush up my physics....
O well... And that's that...
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
















Saturday, April 05, 2008
Imal came to ask me to go close Pantry with him, so i watched. And this is the really good coffee machine i was talking about, touch screen u know... HAHA! Not really that amazing lah, but the machine itself is really good, that's wad Ali told me when he said, he "open up" the whole thing. HAHA!


Lucidol hairspray! Doubt its good but well, no money, can only make-do with it for the moment.
Bio essence Sparkling Lift Eye mask. Wanted to buy the other one, the gold one but i thought i need to treat my eyebag more than i need to treat wrinkles. Heh Heh..
Other than these 2, i bought toothpaste, Thermal is the name i think, facial cotton wipes and a new handphone pouch coz the old one's zip came off, and i can't use it anymore. Yet again, i spent a lot of money.
Planning for Xueting's return is so tedious lor... Nearly quarrelled with Ph just now... Coz of Terry... Hai... So indecisive de nan ren... Hui and I decided to go with our plan, with or without them. Sian-ed... Afterall, its Ting's BD, wanna make it good for her and that's that.
Finally, my days at catering are over, and i can relax a little bit before school starts again. Woah... And there goes 2 months!