Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Happy 2011!!!

And the new year begins, undisrupted. By undisrupted, i meant nothing close to the end of the world since rumours has it that, the world will come to an end in 2012 which I am starting to believe soon.

I heard over the radio that EARTH is already in contact with ALIENS! OMG! Find it so scary, do they seriously have big eyes, big head and advance technology or are they like Transformer? I hope they are like transformers... Heh. Ok, am dreaming...

Well well, 2010 seems to pass by so very quickly. I don't quite rmb much of the happenings throughout the year, any achievements? Hmm.... Travelling many countries counted? Heh! I need to plan my 2011 properly from now on.

Much to achieve this year too. I've got more responsibility on hand now, after 1 full year and getting my 13th month bonus, I odd to be more conscientious. HAahahAhA! That's not the reason la! Because I kind of like my job. Although the association can be really in a mess sometimes, its the people that makes the place nice to work in. There's bound to be unahppy times, but i guess everywhere is like that. Well, make a change!

2011 also marks the end of checking the "Single" box. If nothing goes wrong, Darling and I will sign that contract this year. Hahahaha! Well, a little unprepared but nothing can be nicely planned i guess. And step by step we'll take. We need to save up for house, for wedding, for car (optional), for ehhh... I think that's it. Ha!

And, I also wanna enrol myself into a degree course by this year. I'm hoping to do it by 3rd quarter of the year, so I can have the luxury of the Dec period (not so busy) but dunno will have class or not. HAhaha!!!

SO, i got work, love and studies to accomplish this year. Did it sum up?


HAPPY 2011!!!!

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