Saturday, August 07, 2010

In my entries, I mentioned my lonely journey to KL myself for work. I had hell as usual, each time I go on overseas shows, there's bound to be some sort of crap which I need to deal with.

Good thing about going alone was that I don't need to answer to no one but i thought I was very discipline. Despite the fact that a lot of my job is about waiting, and i was glad i had the patience to wait for a very long time for things to be done.
The hard part was when exhibitors started coming in, but i think i was pretty lucky, they were all quite fine, and when there are problems, i take my hats off for myself, because i actually know how to solve it.

Having gone to quite a few shows already, i'm glad, really glad that i've absorbed many learning points which in KL, was put to practical use.

Another good thing happened, i met a nice girl in KL. She reminds me a lot of Melissa Lim. And she is one of those few Malaysians who I know can speak really fluent english. I envy her courage and ideals in life, something which I once had, but has slowly fade away because of the reality in life. Perhaps, when she starts working like I am, she can hold on to those beliefs. FYI, she is also 22.

Bosses were very nice to come to KL for "business trip" and at the same time, to assist me in my 1st lonely trip. Although they can be naggy sometimes, I must admit, they are nice bosses. :)

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