Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I am tired today...

M: " Thank you, very kind of you."
A: " No problem, my pleasure."
M: "Are you Singaporean?"
A: " Yes, born and raise"
M: " That's very good!"
A: " Why?! *lAugh*"
M: " Wad is your name?"
A: " I'm Ai Ping but everybody calls me Apple here."
M: " Very sweet name.."
A: "Thank You!"
M: "I went to the wrong building and the receptionist was so bad. He could've just told me in 3min, but he took half an hour and told me, the person i am looking for moved!"
A: "O, that is terrible"
M: "Its a male, (Then he said the race, dun wanna mention, not nice), very lazy!"
Reached 4o-something floor, and C walks in,
C: " I am so sorry for wad had happened, Mr M."
And Mr M repeated the story to C.
Reached 50th floor, Julyn took over
In choatic situation...
M: "Thank you, Apple, very kind of you!"

Before all these happened, Naia called from Suntec and told me beforehand that this man is coming, she described him as Fierce-looking guy but it turns out, he is really nice.

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